
A bouquet of lavender herbs with their purple buds facing downwards, artistically arranged against a clean, white background.

Ingredient - Lavender [EO] (Lavandula Angustifolia oil)

Scientific Background: Rooted in Science - Lavender oil, derived from Lavandula Angustifolia, is known for its sweet, woody aroma. The lavender plant is a flowering shrub native to the Mediterranean region. It is a small plant with purple flowers.

Plant Origin & Native Region - Lavender is grown in various countries and regions.

Hair Specialty: Scent Enhancer - Lavender oil is renowned for its floral, calming, and relaxing scent. It's valued for its ability to enhance sleep quality and promote emotional balance.



Lin, C. H., Wu, H., Wu, W. M., Wang, Y. S., & Chou, M. W. (2016). Effects of lavender oil aromatherapy on sleep quality and mood of patients in a gero-psychiatric unit: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 25, 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.ctim.2016.02.002

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While the information we provide about plant-based ingredients is backed by scientific research, it's essential to understand that it is disseminated solely for educational purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice for any health conditions. We strongly recommend that you always seek advice from your licensed healthcare provider regarding any health concerns.